The Road Ahead Bill Gates Book Pdf Download

2020. 2. 13. 20:55카테고리 없음

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The Harvard dropout who founded Microsoft based on his vision of a personal computer in every home and on every desk offers a clearly written, accessible book which describes how the tools of the future will change the way we make choices about everything, from what we buy to how we choose our friends to how we protect our families in an increasingly complicated world. Inc The Harvard dropout who founded Microsoft based on his vision of a personal computer in every home and on every desk offers a clearly written, accessible book which describes how the tools of the future will change the way we make choices about everything, from what we buy to how we choose our friends to how we protect our families in an increasingly complicated world. Includes a compact disc which is playable on CD-ROM and audio CD players. This book is about The Road Ahead and it tells us new ideas and new ways of doing things. For more than 500 years people have used paper to hold ideas and information.

There will still be paper in the future, but there will also be other new ways. As the book says the computer has already changed our lives. Also the computer offers faster communications.

Computers are used for many things like part of business work for markets and money, Also it is used for education. It is a beginning for new t This book is about The Road Ahead and it tells us new ideas and new ways of doing things. For more than 500 years people have used paper to hold ideas and information. There will still be paper in the future, but there will also be other new ways. As the book says the computer has already changed our lives.

Also the computer offers faster communications. Computers are used for many things like part of business work for markets and money, Also it is used for education. It is a beginning for new things coming and new jobs coming with them in the future. Also TV has changed lives with new channels on it. In some ways electronic devices used by humans will develop day after day. As it mentioned in the book, in the future scientists will invent machines working by touch.

Also, they will invent robots that will do human activities in the houses and companies. In my opinion this book was exciting because it tells us how life has changed from the past to present. I would recommend this book because it is important to know the developments that occur in life.

Written in 1995, 'The Road Ahead' was Microsoft founder Bill Gates' attempt to describe for people what the much hyped 'information superhighway' might look like. Building from his own knowledge of what had happened already, what was possible and what was in the pipeline, Gates first explains how we got to where we were in 1995 (e.g. The rise of the PC, the beginnings of the internet) and then explains what the next steps are likely to be in terms of connectivity, new wired devices and a variety Written in 1995, 'The Road Ahead' was Microsoft founder Bill Gates' attempt to describe for people what the much hyped 'information superhighway' might look like. Building from his own knowledge of what had happened already, what was possible and what was in the pipeline, Gates first explains how we got to where we were in 1995 (e.g.

The rise of the PC, the beginnings of the internet) and then explains what the next steps are likely to be in terms of connectivity, new wired devices and a variety of possible applications. He then teases out implications for entertainment, business, education and more. Reading a nearly 20 year old book on technology is a bit like unearthing a time capsule. It is intriguing to see what Gates got right and what he missed. For example, his description of the ways in which we might eventually access content seem quite prescient - he anticipated today's streaming services quite nicely. However, he seems to have missed the mark on mobile devices, not recognizing that the mobile phone and what he called 'pocket computers' would evolve into one and the same thing.

And any mention of the possibility of social media is entirely absent (he still references bulletin board services here). Also, a few of his predictions have yet to play out but may still be coming.

This is a quick and mildly entertaining read for those interested in both the history and the future of technology. As befits what one would expect from an industry leader, Gates is more optimistic about what technology can accomplish than many of us might be.

But he still is a relatively deft tour-guide for the possibilities it offers us. Bill Gates’ “The Road Ahead” is non-fiction publication in which Gates writes about how we are on the brink of a complete cultural and technological revolution. He outlines major technological innovations of the past that have led to this and how we are being affected by it right now. He also shares his own theories regarding the innovations of the future and how they will affect the average American household. This book was written in 1995, a time in which Microsoft was still a developing compa Bill Gates’ “The Road Ahead” is non-fiction publication in which Gates writes about how we are on the brink of a complete cultural and technological revolution. He outlines major technological innovations of the past that have led to this and how we are being affected by it right now. He also shares his own theories regarding the innovations of the future and how they will affect the average American household.

This book was written in 1995, a time in which Microsoft was still a developing company, and illustrates why Bill Gates is the billion dollar, visionary we know him as today. He foresaw in the early 90’s a future of electronic excess in which more and more people own a personal computer and telephone.

This future he foresaw is strikingly similar to the reality of today. I really loved this book!

For one, who better than Bill Gates to anticipate how computers and the technology associated with them would be an aspect of almost everyone's lives. He does an expert job of predicting the rise of the computer in money markets and business in the 21st century. Additionally, it got me excited, but also a tad bit frightened, to one day experience the other technology he predicted would rise in the 21st century such as household robots that will have the ability to do essentially all chores and even more! I would most definitely recommend this book to others. It is important to reflect upon how we have gotten where we are today, in terms of technological advancement, so we can build upon what we’ve learned to create the next big thing. This book can inspire people to do just that!

I really appreciate Bill Gates sharing his expansive amount of knowledge with the reader. '.finding a job will be easier if you have embraced the computer as a tool.' Bill Gates, The Road Ahead, p. 258 I found this book like reading the prophets of the old testament and Bill Gates is the prophet and the things he is saying are predicting what will happen in the future of the technological highway. Because this book was written in 1995, you begin to see that Bill Gates was not too far off from the mark. I believe that is why Microsoft has had tremendous success.that being the lead '.finding a job will be easier if you have embraced the computer as a tool.'

Bill Gates, The Road Ahead, p. 258 I found this book like reading the prophets of the old testament and Bill Gates is the prophet and the things he is saying are predicting what will happen in the future of the technological highway. Because this book was written in 1995, you begin to see that Bill Gates was not too far off from the mark. I believe that is why Microsoft has had tremendous success.that being the leader, Bill Gates, is able to see what is going to take place in the future on the technological highway and be adequately prepared for it. ‘The Road Ahead’ written by Bill Gates with the collaboration of Nathan Myhrvold and Peter Rinearson had surely kept its promise that it would clear up the ‘seemingly endless hype about the information highway’ which is proudly stated on the book’s synopsis.

Published by the Viking Penguin in 1995, the book had vividly shown the situation that the people encountered about the rising age of technology over that time. Funny enough, those individuals who have read the hardback right after it was re ‘The Road Ahead’ written by Bill Gates with the collaboration of Nathan Myhrvold and Peter Rinearson had surely kept its promise that it would clear up the ‘seemingly endless hype about the information highway’ which is proudly stated on the book’s synopsis. Published by the Viking Penguin in 1995, the book had vividly shown the situation that the people encountered about the rising age of technology over that time. Funny enough, those individuals who have read the hardback right after it was released two decades ago mostly scoffed on Mr. Gates’ ‘too idealistic ideas’. They were extremely focused on Mr. Gates’ personality rather than his brilliant thoughts which made them fail to use ‘The Road Ahead’ as their travel guide in venturing down the unknown but optimistic future.

As the title suggests, the book resembled a roadmap which would steer the readers in having a better understanding in technology development. This objective of the book is a success but for the period that it was published, most of the critics dismissed his notions as it just his way of promoting Microsoft, in their opinion. However, reading ‘The Road Ahead’ 20 years after it was published brought a sense of nostalgia to those who witnessed the progress of the personal computer from just a mere figment of imagination until it becomes an everyday companion of the people in the modern time. It amazes the reader knowing that a piece of technology that we normally use today and as common as a ballpoint pen was once treated like a bit of luxury. In addition to this, Mr. Gates evidently described how the personal computer would change the way we live.

From the aspects of education to the dizzying world of business, it surely did. As he engraved himself to be one of the major participants in developing the personal computer by creating his own software company with Paul Allen, it is not surprising that he had a very majestic view of the future. After absorbing every portion of knowledge that the book has to offer, it felt like the reader had taken a peek inside the complex brain of Bill Gates. And this makes us wonder, if he had that kind of wisdom before, what does he have to say now for the next string of years? What he did in ‘The Road Ahead’ is like dissecting a part of his brain and sharing it to those who want a snapshot of his ‘bird’s-eye view of the undiscovered territory on the information highway’. In this book, the reader had concluded something.

Bill Gates clearly wanted his visions to turn into a handsome reality. In Chapter 1, A Revolution Begins, the author reminisced about the start of his journey in taking interests on writing software program when he was just thirteen years old. Throughout the chapter, Mr. Gates discussed about his high school and college life while being engrossed over the thought of computer. Together with his friend, Paul, they had played around microprocessor chips to create a tool which can help in the community, as they did in making the ‘Traf-O-Data’ from Intel 8008. It was only the beginning of his triumphant success. Aside from this, he gave an introduction about the ‘information superhighway’ which was popularized by Al Gore.

He presented ideas and encouraged the reader to visualize how that highway would work for the people. He improvised situations which would be easily solved once the information highway is built. Gates initiated questions such as: ‘Is your bus running on time?’ ‘What is your child’s school-attendance record?’ ‘How is the hole in a needle manufactured?’.

According to him, these set of different matters would be answered in the next decade. And he was right. Additionally, he soothed down the growing anxiety of the people when the thought of information highway was brought up into the public. For the next chapter, The Beginning of the Information Age, he talked about the building importance of information to people and how the highway would be a very effective channel in distributing it to those who need it.

The road ahead bill gates book pdf download

He also quoted Claude Shannon’s definition of information which is the reduction of uncertainty. The significance of converting analog data into digital which would bring efficiency to everyone was also touched by the author. He keenly explained about the binary system, the contributions of the pioneers in inventing the computer, the ENIAC, the fiber-optic cable, bandwidth and others.

Bill Gates also penned, “We already understand the science that would allow us to build these superfast computers. What we need is an engineering breakthrough, and these are often quick in coming.” In the following chapters, the author enlightened the reader about the common mistakes that most of the companies in the computer industry had made which led to their failure.


This part of the book might had been a good ‘do’s and don’ts’ manual for those people who are interested in investing their knowledge in this line of work. He also gave several notable quotes along the way: “Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.

And it’s an unreliable guide to the future.” “It’s increasingly important to be able to compete and cooperate at the same time, but that calls for a lot of maturity.” “You can’t rest on your laurels, because there is always a competitor coming up behind you.” “It’s important to acknowledge mistakes and make sure you draw some lesson from them.” He also discussed the reason behind the unceasing bouts among the companies to create a hardware that will become the standard equipment which everybody would use. It is needed ‘to ensure interoperability, minimize user training, and of course foster the largest possible software industry’. Gates enlisted the possible technologies that would be developed from their ancestors or the personal computers. The most attention grabbing idea that he revealed to the reader was the wallet PC. Undeniably, this tool has an apparent resemblance to the smartphones that most of the population uses in the present day. The only thing that’s out of the picture in today’s mobile phones is its capability of storing digital money in which the reader thinks that it is very likely to happen soon.

He boasted the competence of the personal computers in executing the friction-free capitalism. It is an extremely efficient market in which buyers and sellers can find each other easily, can interact directly, and can perform transactions with only minimal overhead costs. For example, in the production of newspapers to be delivered in vast amounts of places throughout the world seeks for numerous procedures. For this to happen, trees needs to be cut down to produce paper, complex machines are used to process this, ink is required for printing and transportation is also a necessity for distribution which undoubtedly contributes to pollution. But with the help of PCs, this can be converted in a digital form which will surely save us from wasting time, money, resources and cause damages to the environment.

In conclusion, the information highway would indeed initiate a global innovation. But upon reading the whole text, is it already constructed? Anyways, it could also have been the highly-powered Internet that is in full course today. On the whole, the book is clearly written in a very understandable way which makes it suitable for any kind of person. Someone who is unaware about the PCs could still comprehend it even if you are 15 or 60 years old. ‘The Road Ahead’ is definitely one of the most important books that have tackled about computers and lifted up the cloak that had been obscuring the uninformed part of the public. In conclusion, it is a portion of history marked on paper which would always become a place for everyone to reminisce about the piece of technology that changed it all.

I had found this book very inspiring. I liked the vision Bill gates shares in this one, namely 'A computer running Microsoft Windows on everyones desk'. This book, I believe, from the early days of Microsoft and had really thought on future world with ubiquitous computing.

I liked to so much that I inherited some of his thoughts on future home design and tried it at my house while building (wherein there would be phone on all rooms and only phone near the person would ring (this was before cell I had found this book very inspiring. I liked the vision Bill gates shares in this one, namely 'A computer running Microsoft Windows on everyones desk'. This book, I believe, from the early days of Microsoft and had really thought on future world with ubiquitous computing. I liked to so much that I inherited some of his thoughts on future home design and tried it at my house while building (wherein there would be phone on all rooms and only phone near the person would ring (this was before cell phones)). Bill Gates and Paul Allen understood the potential of developing an information highway long before most entrepreneurs gained a similar vision. Most successful business start ups begin with an idea and require subject knowledge, patience, market timing and luck.

Bill's and Paul's development of the DOS operating system was timely and vital to IBM's successful launch of an interactive computer system. Gates and Allen focused on software. IBM limited focus on developing hardware.

It was fortuitous Bill Gates and Paul Allen understood the potential of developing an information highway long before most entrepreneurs gained a similar vision. Most successful business start ups begin with an idea and require subject knowledge, patience, market timing and luck. Bill's and Paul's development of the DOS operating system was timely and vital to IBM's successful launch of an interactive computer system. Gates and Allen focused on software. IBM limited focus on developing hardware. It was fortuitous timing for both.

Gates's intentions for Microsoft's future are stated in Chapter 9 and in the 'Afterward' of this book on page 275. '.the greatest benefits will come from the application of technology to education -formal and informal.' To this end Microsoft has developed Common Core.' To aid teachers who are incorporating computers into classrooms.' That has led to huge profits for Microsoft but in my opinion, limiting and flawed. Gates is a genius but not an expert on teaching methods or curriculums. I fear the consequences of a software product that guides the process of learning into a standard limited, channeled solution does so at the expense of critical thinking.

It ignores the importance of discovery and creativity that incentivize learning. Computers are a just a tool to aid but not influence individual thought and creativeness. The rate of decline in U.S. Education system standards compared with other nations is alarming. Common Core is a disastrous experiment.

My brother had given me this book 7 years ago. I tried several times and failed. But after developing bit of reading aptitude I tried it and finished off successful. In these 7 years I have also become an entrepreneur and now when I turned it's last page, I feel so foolish for not reading it.

I would have taken more intelligent steps. Must read for technology related entrepreneur. It is not biography but vision of Mr. Gates which is a realty in today with Google, Facebook, Twitter and many Inter My brother had given me this book 7 years ago. I tried several times and failed. But after developing bit of reading aptitude I tried it and finished off successful. In these 7 years I have also become an entrepreneur and now when I turned it's last page, I feel so foolish for not reading it.

I would have taken more intelligent steps. Must read for technology related entrepreneur. It is not biography but vision of Mr. Gates which is a realty in today with Google, Facebook, Twitter and many Internet related portals. A short yet insightful book, Bill Gates shares his vision for how computers and the internet will shape the future. Written in 1995, Gates argued correctly that computers, so long as they are still programmed to perform specific functions, will only serve to help humans, and not replace them. Gates also argues that the age of the internet was just starting, and while many were disappointed by the early limitations, Gates correctly describes several scenarios that have surfaced since (social, mob A short yet insightful book, Bill Gates shares his vision for how computers and the internet will shape the future.

Written in 1995, Gates argued correctly that computers, so long as they are still programmed to perform specific functions, will only serve to help humans, and not replace them. Gates also argues that the age of the internet was just starting, and while many were disappointed by the early limitations, Gates correctly describes several scenarios that have surfaced since (social, mobile and their significance). Gates also expressed the view that like many of the gold rush eras prior, the internet space was going through a similar phase where people were concerned about staying ahead of the competition, rather than thinking about the underlying economics of their investments. This is akin to the merger mania prior and the computer rush before, and he warns that these always happen and could end badly. Last thing I found interesting was how he talks about the investments the cable and media guys were making on interactive TVs, and then the internet came along and everyone rushed to internet videos on the PC. This just shows the unpredictable nature of technological developments, and why incumbents can fail, as they try to make their current product better (TVs into smart TVs), which can lead them to missing out the truly great platforms of the future (PC, mobile).

I got this at a library book sale. It was written by Bill Gates in 1995 who predicted how computers, and especially the internet, would change the world. When I think about the state of the internet at that time, I am impressed at how well Gates anticipated many of the ways it changed my life. Many breakthroughs like eBay developed as predicted, but it’s almost as interesting to see what things didn’t develop the way he thought they would. Some were attempted but haven’t really caught on (reviews I got this at a library book sale.

The Road Ahead Bill Gates Book Pdf Download

It was written by Bill Gates in 1995 who predicted how computers, and especially the internet, would change the world. When I think about the state of the internet at that time, I am impressed at how well Gates anticipated many of the ways it changed my life. Many breakthroughs like eBay developed as predicted, but it’s almost as interesting to see what things didn’t develop the way he thought they would. Some were attempted but haven’t really caught on (reviews of doctors and contractors, clothing tailor-made to your dimensions). Some have been predicted for decades but are hard to introduce because of the investment required by consumers (virtual reality, smart appliances).

And others are areas where there’s a history of underestimating the complexity of the problem (computer “assistants” with sophisticated AIs). Overall Gates struck me as likable and bright and I also enjoyed the personal tidbits about his childhood, career, and house. I would love to see a book by Gates now about where he thinks things are headed.